Maryland Patient Safety Center

Perinatal & Neonatal Safety

In 2022, over 1,000 pregnancy-related deaths occurred across the U.S. and over 80% of those were preventable. Furthermore, each year 50,000-60,000 birthing people experience severe pregnancy-related events which must be reviewed for opportunities to improve. Maternal health and disparities in perinatal outcomes are a high priority in Maryland, and also nationwide. 

Join MPSC throughout the year for virtual webinars, patient safety tools courses, confidential and protected roundtable discussions for shared and experiential learning, and safety reviews tailored for high priority adverse events in the maternal and child health space and on Labor and Delivery units.

Perinatal Safety  Series

This series of easy-to-consume virtual webinars will highlight emerging patient safety trends and issues of critical need in the Emergency Department.  The webinars will identify innovative strategies and implementation techniques to support ED teams in meeting their quality and safety goals and harm reduction.

Safety Series webinars are held from 12:00 – 1:00 pm EST and are FREE for MPSC Members. Registration fee for Non-members is $45.

Safe Tables

Safe Tables are a shared learning forum for peers to exchange patient safety experiences, discuss best practices, network and learn from each other in an open, uninhibited and legally protected environment.

Safe Tables are open and FREE to MPSC members only and are held in-person from 1:00 – 3:00pm EST.

Patient Safety Tools

Many healthcare professionals, particularly quality and safety leaders, use a variety of patient safety tools and techniques daily to ensure the delivery of highly-reliable care; but these tools also offer implementable, effective, and practical applications for front-line healthcare workers to improve patient safety systems and processes.

Patient Safety Tools courses are held virtually from 12:00 – 2:00 pm EST and are FREE to MPSC Members. Registration fee for Non-members is $79.

Perinatal Safety Fellowship

The Maryland Patient Safety Center offers a year long Perinatal Quality and Safety fellowship. The next cohort will begin in September and help participating individuals design, implement, evaluate, and disseminate a perinatal quality improvement project aimed at improving outcomes and reducing disparities at their organization.

Learn More and Apply
Click here for information on our partnership with Count the Kicks, an evidence-based stillbirth prevention program to educate expectant parents in Maryland on the importance of tracking a baby’s movements daily during the third trimester of pregnancy.

MPSC in the News

WJZ Baltimore News   I    June 27, 2023
WEAA FM Radio Interview with Gabe Ortiz   I   June 22, 2023

Medical errors are a leading cause of patient morbidity and mortality. A variety of high-alert medications are used in labor and delivery including insulin, oxytocin, and Magnesium Sulfate. Additionally, other medications such as TXA and misoprostol although not high alert also confer significant risk if not administered properly. These medications coupled with the fast-paced environment which is labor and delivery result in a heightened risk of causing significant harm to mom and/or baby. This one-hour webinar will present cases of common medication errors in labor and delivery and risk mitigation strategies.

The Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP) first wrote about medication errors involving oxytocin in 1999. Now 25 years later risks associated with oxytocin use continue. In a protected safe table environment participants will discuss nationwide trends in oxytocin-related adverse medication events and ISMP safe practice recommendations aimed at safeguarding against errors with oxytocin. Oxytocin checklists and how to standardize policies on oxytocin administration will be reviewed.

MPSC operates a listserv for healthcare professionals with an interest in perinatal and neonatal patient safety. The listserv offers a network for shared and experiential learning and is used by MPSC to share upcoming events and information specific to safety in this specialty. MPSC members may use the listserv to pose questions to the group in order to garner feedback, solutions, and gain consensus on topics related to quality and safety in the maternal and child health space and on labor and delivery units. Please contact to be enrolled.
The Maryland Patient Safety Center has built a library of perinatal patient education. Here you will find videos, handouts, and quick references on urgent maternal warnings, self-advocacy in maternal health and follow up after obstetric complications.