Maryland Patient Safety Center

The Maryland Patient Safety Center is excited to partner with Count the Kicks, an evidence-based stillbirth prevention and awareness program, aiding in our efforts to improve birthing outcomes in Maryland. With your help, we can make a difference in the lives of families in our state. 

Count the Kicks educates expectant parents on how to monitor fetal movements during the third trimester of pregnancy. It is a SIMPLE and FREE way to check on the baby’s well-being and increase the chance of delivering a healthy baby. By using this free tool, we can work together to reduce stillbirths, which occur in one out of every 173 pregnancies nationwide.



NOVEMBER 28, 2023

This Giving Tuesday season, your donation will go directly to our Count the Kicks program expansion, ensuring that complimentary education and materials remain available to all expecting families and their care teams across Maryland. Donate today to help us prevent stillbirth.


Stillbirth Prevention and the Fight for Health Equity

Nationally, stillbirth is affecting birthing people of color at an alarmingly disproportionate rate. 

1 in every 94 Pacific Islander pregnancies

1 in every 97 Black pregnancies

1 in every 128 Indigenous pregnancies


Learn how our campaign with Count the Kicks has impacted stillbirth education in Maryland, and how your donation can improve health equity for all Maryland families.

For Providers

Through this partnership, providers, as well as healthcare and service organizations in Maryland can order free Count the Kicks educational materials to support a life-saving conversation about fetal movement with expectant parents. Research shows that a change in a baby’s normal movement pattern is sometimes the earliest or only indication that a baby may be in distress and needs to be checked by a healthcare provider right away. Count the Kicks teaches the method for- and importance of- having a daily movement monitoring session.

For Patients

Have you felt your baby’s movements today? They are an important sign of your baby’s wellbeing. If you are greater than 28 weeks pregnant, you should be counting your baby’s movements once daily.  Count the Kicks is an easy way to monitor your baby’s well-being in the third trimester of pregnancy in addition to regular prenatal appointments, and acts as an early warning system for parents and providers to determine when a baby may be in distress. Download the FREE Count the Kicks app to start counting!