Maryland Patient Safety Center

Count the Kicks for Healthcare Professionals

The Maryland Patient Safety Center is partnering with Count the Kicks, an evidence-based stillbirth prevention program, to educate expectant parents in Maryland about the importance of tracking a baby’s movements daily in the third trimester of pregnancy. Stillbirth is a national public health crisis that has been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. For Maryland families, 1 in every 144 pregnancies end in stillbirth and families in the state are 6.5 times more likely to lose a baby to stillbirth than to SIDS.  

Learn how to engage in the Kick Counting conversation with your patients and guide them is downloading and using the FREE Count the Kicks app today!

Webinar Recording: Introduction to Count the Kicks for Healthcare Providers

Count the Kicks for Patients

Maryland loses about 496 babies to stillbirth each year.

Research shows that a change in a baby’s movements could be the earliest, and sometimes only, indication that something may be wrong with a pregnancy. It’s a simple and free way to self-monitor and improve the chance of delivering a healthy baby, and by doing so, reduce stillbirth rates.  
Count the Kicks is an easy way to monitor your baby’s well-being in the third trimester of pregnancy in addition to regular prenatal appointments, and acts as an early warning system for parents and providers to determine when a baby may be in distress.